Tuesday, October 2, 2007

FOOD not candy

In the beginning was chocolate, or at least that's what I called it. Then I saw the beans. Yes, chocolate is derived from cacao beans. "Food of the gods". I liked that. Since we're all gods, this is what you eat.

My involvement with this food has transported me into a whole new world. Or should I say worlds. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The cacao fabric being woven is phenomenal from my point of experience.

Eight months of cacao alchemy has led to a formula which is the basis for the cacao bar, cacao truffle, cacao mousse or hot creamy cacao drink.

As my friends who supply the cacao beans say, "food not candy."

Start your research into cacao by visiting wikipedia. The basic ingredients I use, all organic and fair traded, are raw cacao beans, cacao butter, coconut milk, agave and vanilla beans. Variations include the addition of fresh roasted cacao beans, fresh roasted coffee beans, maple syrup, cinnamon bark, chili peppers and szechuan pepper.

The process does not allow mass production and takes about 2 hours for each batch of bars, truffles or mousse.

I've seen lot's of smiles appear on faces!

Order by calling 905 457-5776 or email me.